Samsung vs Apple: Strengths and Weakness

Samsung and Apple are both big names in the tech industry and they both have so much to offer. But there are heavy debates on which company is better and that is the discussion topic of this article. Now let’s dive into the brief history of each company as well as their pros and cons, and you can decide for yourselves which one is better.

Samsung’s History

Founded in Japan in 1938 by Lee Byung Chul, Samsung was originally a grocery trading company. But by 1996 chairman Lee declared it “The Year of Design Revolution ” and joined the conglomerate industry. Since then Samsung has made Laptops, Phones, Tablets, Watches, and Tvs and has become the Number One tech company. Selling well over 200 million phone units per year, Samsung has tried to make flip phones more modern with their Z flips, and their Z folds.

Apple’s History

Founded in 1967 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne, and Mike Markkula, Apple was originally going to be just a computer company. But as you all reading this now can see it’s much more than that. So Apple is not the number one tech company but still has much to offer with its new features that are even better than the SOS emergency and the Face ID. Apple has taken the world by storm with its iPhone 14 and the up-and-coming iPhone 15. 

Samsung’s Pros

 As I stated before that Samsung is one of the biggest companies and number one in the conglomerates industry but what does it have to offer? What are its pros and what are its strengths?

For one Samsung phones allow you to multitask, and have office productivity. You might be thinking about its security features, it has Knox security and advanced biometric protection.

On top of that it has water and dust resistance, high resolution, a variety of camera options, game recording, wireless printing, and Vr options.  This is good if you are a gamer or you just like VR in general, why not have a phone that is suited for that capability?

As a Samsung user, I might be a little bit biased in the sense but I do think that Samsung isn’t a bad company to go with when you want a phone but obviously, it does have cons just as it has pros.

Samsung’s Cons

 A company can’t be a proper company if it doesn’t have any cons to set them back.  Regardless of them being the top company when it comes to conglomerates and electronics, they still have a bunch of cons that could be fixed and improved.

For instance, they’re kind of expensive compared to other Android companies like Huawei and Vivo. They’re also bulky and have poor storage capacity. As a phone user, you’re going to need a lot of space for things like photos, emails, and text messages and really think about it if you’re a business person you need all that space and Samsung can’t provide that. 

On top of that Samsung’s cooling system is poor,  it heats up quickly and takes forever to cool down,  which could really produce a lot of radiation and can be harmful to the user. 

Moreover, Samsung doesn’t have as many features as the iPhone does, like it doesn’t come with its own music app, compass, measurement, or video call feature. Unless you have google duo then I guess you won’t really have to worry about that problem.

I’m not saying that Samsung is a bad company to get phones from or any device really, but I’m saying that Samsung could have things that they can improve on, regardless of their standing in the industry.

As a Samsung user myself, I think they make pretty decent products except for the just obvious things mentioned above that could be improved upon.

Apple’s pros

Apple is another one of the big tech companies in the world with many pros that I personally as a non-Apple user actually think it’s pretty good.

For example, apple is pretty eco-friendly; what I mean by this is that they are willing to recycle your iPhone for you instead of you going through the trouble of doing so yourself.

I know, the iPhone may seem expensive. But there’s something for everyone, especially when you have resellers that will sell you an iPhone as low as $300, maybe even lower.

Apple also has a pretty good storage system because of its iCloud feature which is simple to use. If you don’t really know what you’re doing, you have the AI Siri to help you navigate how to use said iPhone.

Apple‘s iPhones also have fewer security breaches than Samsung’s. Androids are considerably easy to hack. On top of that, there are different features you can get with the iPhone, such as Apple Pay, Apple CarPlay, FaceTime, iMessage, Apple Music, and so much more.

Apple’s Cons

Apple products seem really good, and convenient to have, yet there are still some cons that bring it down a few pegs.

For example, Apple has this ecosystem that if you purchase more products you can connect them seamlessly to your iPhone, your MacBook, your iPad, and your watch so you know what’s going on at different fronts.  But the problem with that is that it could enable you to buy more products, and sometimes you can’t connect your other products to a set device because you have a Windows laptop. 

 This is a bit annoying, because MacBooks are a bit overpriced, which brings up my next point. Apple products are very overpriced. If you want something brand new, without any refurbishment, like brand new fresh out of the box, you’re paying over $1000, maybe $2000 for a  new Macbook or an iPhone. I know what I said before but I say it would be better to buy it at a resale price.

Though Apple has a pretty decent amount of storage space for its user it doesn’t come with an SD card slot. So needing extra storage space would require paying additional money for a storage subscription.

The biggest takeaway from this should be that each company has a weakness and some strengths. We can never really solely base our opinions on what others say or what we have.  It should really be based on research and rationale. Now knowing what you know, which one will you go for iPhone or Samsung?

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